
Amazonian Green Granite is a type of Granite that is quarried in Brazil and is known for its unique green color and veining pattern. It is a highly decorative stone that is often used in residential and commercial settings for flooring, countertops, and other surfaces.

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Amazonian Green Granite is quarried from massive deposits of serpentine Granite in Brazil’s Amazon region. The stone is composed of calcite, magnesium, and iron oxides, which give it its green color. The veins are created when these minerals deposit within the Granite during formation, resulting in a unique pattern that varies from piece to piece.

The green color of Amazonian Green Granite is very rich and deep, often described as a combination of shades of light and dark green. The veins are typically tan or brown and create a beautiful contrast with the green background. The stone has a fine grain and is very dense, resulting in a high-quality finish that is both durable and stain-resistant.

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Amazonian Green Granite has been used for centuries in Brazil and is a highly prized natural resource. It is exported to various countries around the world where it is used for flooring, countertops, wall cladding, tabletops, staircases, ceilings, and other decorative purposes. The stone is also used for carving and sculpture, due to its fine grain and ease of working.

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Amazonian Green Granite is a highly prized choice for homeowners and designers seeking a unique and luxurious material for their projects. Its beauty and durability make it a timeless choice for both residential and commercial spaces.

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